Filming in Saudi Arabia

Finding a fixer
in Saudi Arabia

Many media and film professionals have hopes of filming in Saudi Arabia but they don’t know how to go about arranging it. With us as your fixer in Saudi Arabia, we can make it happen. The process of organising visas, film permits and location access can take time and be somewhat convoluted if you don’t know the local institutions or culture. For us, it’s not a problem. We know how to do it and have happily helped several foreign film productions succeed already.

Visa for Saudi Arabia

There’s a pretty strict visa policy that requires a lot of paperwork before you can arrive to shoot in Saudi Arabia! Typically, you’ll apply for a business visa which is issued for up to 90 days, though sometimes the General Commission for Audiovisual Media (GCAM) will issue a specific film visa for foreign crews. Either way, it’s a great idea to work with a production support company like Fixer Saudi Arabia who can help you work your way through this often complicated process.

Film Permits Saudi Arabia

No matter what kind of production you plan to shoot here, you will need to apply for a  film permit from the General Commission for Audiovisual Media (GCAM). Again, the application can be lengthy and complex. Additional permits must be applied for if you want to film at locations that might be spiritually or nationally significant. Having a fixer in Saudi Arabia can help, as they’ll ensure you have all the essential documentation, including a letter of invite from themselves.

Special equipment
renting info

Saudi Arabia has only recently opened up as a filming destination and so finding the right equipment, particularly if you’re looking for specialised high-tech gear, may be challenging. But, at the same time, you’ll be surprised at what you can get here. Certainly, most equipment rental companies supply all the big brands such as Canon, Sony, etc. and your film fixer (if they are top of their game like Fixer Saudi Arabia!) can find specific filming kit pieces if requested.

Cultural facts

Something to be aware when here are the country’s strict gender norms. You may need to have separate crews or filming schedules for male and female cast and crew members as interactions between unrelated men and women is not acceptable here. Something else that needs to be underlined is that if you don’t have  film permits to shoot in a particular place – you simply can’t shoot there. Doing so might result in a large fine and certainly the end of your film production.

Weather when filming in Saudi Arabia

Most of this Middle East country experiences a hot, dry desert climate, which means that if you’re not used to excessive heat, scheduling filming in Saudi Arabia for the winter months (November – February) makes more sense. The temperatures then are lower with 25°C (77°F) generally being the highest. The coast can be quite humid though, so aim for a springtime shoot at the beach if that’s possible. If you’re not sure when to film, chat it over with your film fixer.

Tax rebate in Saudi Arabia

Our country may have only recently opened its doors to foreign filmmakers but it’s keen to keep them filming in Saudi Arabia! One of the ways it’s doing this is through a very attractive incentive scheme that offers a rebate of up to 40% on eligible production spend, which both local and international filmmakers can apply for. To qualify, fictional films must spend over $200,000, while documentaries and animated features need to spend over $50,000. Your fixer in Saudi Arabia can help you figure out your eligibility.

Filming in Saudi Arabia

Filming in Saudi Arabia comes with challenges, but it’s worth it! Our desert landscapes, modern cities and wondrous heritage ensure you have several exciting location options that, because we’ve only recently widened our doors to international filmmakers, gives you rarely seen filming footage.

To make filming here a relatively straightforward process, you must work with a fixer in Saudi Arabia and, of course, we suggest that fixer should be us!

Fixer Saudi Arabia can ensure you have all the right paperwork for visas and film permits. We’ll also guide you in what you need to keep in mind when it comes to navigating Muslim culture.

If you want to film in Saudi Arabia then the time is now – contact us and let’s get the process started.

filming in saudi arabia